Anaphylactic Reactions Protocol



In order to ensure the safety of all students in the International Languages Program, we ask for your co-operation in not sending any snacks or lunches containing traces of nuts/nut products and sesame products with your child.

All snacks must be marked Peanut Free and be in their original packaging and not in plastic sandwich bags. (No sesame buns or bagels, mana’ish, hummus dip, tahini bread, Nutella, peanut butter, breakfast bars or cereal that contain nuts or sesame, cakes or cupcakes that are made with nut or sesame oil or decorated with nuts, etc.).

If your child has a medical condition and allergy of any kind, please inform your child’s instructor and the school administrator so that the necessary health measures are taken.

If your child requires an EpiPen, please ensure that your child has the EpiPen with him or her during the Saturday program.

Please complete the Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan form, attach the child’s photo, and submit it to the school administrator.

Your understanding and co-operation in ensuring the safe environment of the school are greatly appreciated.

School Administration

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.